I have been using some of the Flip diapers, the regular
soaker inserts. They worked pretty well at first. I have been following the instructions
on the label which simply say to wash hot and tumble dry on low. I have been
drying them on high heat actually though. Suddenly they have started leaking! I
decided to test one out overnight. I changed angel baby at about 11 pm and we
laid down for her last night feeding. Half way through I realize she has peed
through the diaper, through the cover, through her pj’s, and onto the sheets! I
get her re-diapered and changed then move on to changing my bed sheets. Ugh. We
were up until about 1230-1 am by the time all was said and done and we were
actually sleepy again.
I was extremely pissed at the Flip diapers. They are only
about 2 months old and should not be leaking. I had to strip them (wash them in
Dawn dish soap). It seems too soon to already have to be stripping them. Come
to find out ALL Free and Clear can cause build up on them. So I either have to
wash them separate, which I don’t have enough of them to justify their own
load, not use them, or strip them every other month. It is crazy how all these
expensive cloth diapers out there have all sorts of special instructions and
limitations that void the warranty. The simple cotton birdseye weave pre-folds I
got for 6 for $9 are turning out to be the best option. Cotton- soaks up the
messes, wash however you want, dry on high. One down side is that they might
not wick moisture off her bottom quite as good as some other materials, that’s
debatable though. I can’t wait to learn to sew and start making my own! Any
material and care instructions I want!
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